Author Bio Information
Steele, Anne's bio information
1716 - Wednesday, November 11, 1778
Born: 1716, Broughton, Hampshire, England.
Died: November 11, 1778, Broughton, Hampshire, England.
Buried: Broughton, Hampshire, England.
Pseudonym: Theodosia.
Anne was the daughter of William Steele, a timber merchant who was also a lay preacher at the Baptist church in Broughton. She lost her mother at age 3. At age 19, a severe hip injury made her a lifelong invalid. At age 21, her fiancé drowned the day before they were to be married. From this series of tragedies rose 144 hymns and 34 versified Psalms, which were enormously popular. Her main work was Poems on Subjects Chiefly Devotional (1760). When Trinity Church in Boston, Massachusetts (where Phillips Brooks later became rector) published its hymnal in 1808, 59 of its 144 hymns were from the pen of Anne Steele. She preferred to remain anonymous, though, writing under a pen name. Her tombstone carried the following words:
Silent the lyre, and dumb the tuneful tongue,
That sung on earth her great Redeemer’s praise;
But now in Heaven she joins the angelic song,
In more harmonious, more exalted lays.
* Julian, pp. 1089, 1161, 1577, 1590, 1654, 1675, 1681
* Stulken, p. 316
* Wright, pp. 276-7
1. Ah, Wretched Souls Who Strive in Vain
* May I Resolve with All My Heart
* Now I Resolve with All My Heart
2. Alas! What Hourly Dangers Rise
3. Amazing Love That Stooped So Low
4. Bright Scenes of Bliss, Unclouded Skies
5. Come, Heavenly Love, Inspire My Song
* Come, Heavenly Dove, Inspire My Song
* Come, Holy Ghost, Inspire Our Song
* Come, Holy Spirit, Guide My Song
* Savior! O What Endless Charms, The
6. Come, Let Our Souls Adore the Lord
7. Come, Tune Ye Saints, Your Noblest Strains
8. Come Ye That Love the Savior’s Name
9. Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul
10. Deep Are the Wounds Which Sin Has Made
11. Enslaved by Sin, and Bound in Chains
12. Eternal Power, Mighty God
13. Eternal Source of Joys Divine
14. Far from These Narrow Scenes of Night
15. Father of Mercies, in Thy Word
16. Father, Whate’er of Earthly Bliss
17. God of My Salvation Lives, The
18. Gospel, O What Endless Charms, The
19. Great God, to Thee My Evening Song
20. Great Source of Boundless Power and Grace
21. He Lives! the Great Redeemer Lives!
22. Hear, Gracious Lord, My Humble Moan
23. Hear, O My God, with Pity Hear
24. How Blest Are Those, How Truly Wise
25. How Far Beyond Our Mortal View
26. How Helpless Guilty Nature Lies
27. How Lovely, How Divinely Sweet
28. How Oft, Alas!
29. In Vain I Trace Creation O’er
30. In Vain My Roving Thoughts Would Find
31. Jesus, and Didst Thou Leave the Sky?
32. Jesus Demands This Heart of Mine
33. Jesus, the Spring of Joys Divine
34. Jesus, Thou Source Divine
35. Look Up, My Soul, with Cheerful Eye
36. Lord, How Mysterious Are Thy Ways
37. Lord, in the Temple of Thy Grace
38. Lord, in Thy Great, Thy Glorious Name
39. Lord, My Shepherd and My Guide, The
40. Lord, the God of Glory Reigns, The
41. Lord, Thou Hast Been Thy Children’s God
42. Lord, We Adore Thy Boundless Grace
43. Lord, When My Raptured Thought Surveys
44. Lord, When My Thoughts Delighted Rove
45. Mind Was Formed to Mount Sublime, The
46. My God, My Father, Blissful Name!
47. My God, O Could I Make the Claim
48. My God, ’Tis to Thy Mercy Seat
49. My God, to Thee I Call
50. My Maker and My King
51. My Soul, to God, Its Source, Aspires
52. O Could Our Thoughts and Wishes Fly
53. O for a Sweet, Inspiring Ray
54. O for the Eye of Faith Divine
55. O Jesus, Our Exalted Head
56. O Thou Whose Tender Mercy Hears
57. O World of Bliss, Could Mortal Eyes
58. Once Loved form Now Could and Dead, The
59. Permit Me, Lord, to Seek Thy Face
60. Praise Ye the Lord, Let Praise Employ
61. Savior Calls, The
62. See, Lord, Thy Willing Subjects Bow
63. Should Famine o’er the Mourning Field
64. So Fades the Lovely, Blooming Flower
65. Stern Winter Throws His Icy Chains
66. Stretched on the Cross, the Savior Dies
67. Sure, the Blest Comforter Is Nigh
68. There Is a Glorious World on High
69. Thou Lovely Source of True Delight
70. Thou Only Sovereign of My Heart
71. Thy Gracious Presence, O My God
72. Thy Kingdom, Lord, Forever Stands
73. To Jesus, Our Exalted Lord
74. To Our Redeemer’s Glorious Name
75. To Your Creator, God
76. Triumphant, Christ Ascends on High
77. When Blest with That Transporting View
78. When Death Before My Sight
79. When Gloomy Thoughts and Boding Fears
80. When I Resolved to Watch My Thoughts
* Almighty Maker of My Frame
81. When I Survey Life’s Varied Scene
82. When Sins and Fears Prevailing Rise
83. When Weary Souls with Sin Distressed
84. Whene’er the Angry Passions Rise
85. Where Is God? Does He Retire
86. While My Redeemer’s Near
87. Why Sinks My Weak Desponding Mind?
88. Ye Earthly Vanities, Depart
89. Ye Glittering Toys of Earth Adieu
90. Ye Humble Souls, Approach Your God
Died: November 11, 1778, Broughton, Hampshire, England.
Buried: Broughton, Hampshire, England.
Pseudonym: Theodosia.
Anne was the daughter of William Steele, a timber merchant who was also a lay preacher at the Baptist church in Broughton. She lost her mother at age 3. At age 19, a severe hip injury made her a lifelong invalid. At age 21, her fiancé drowned the day before they were to be married. From this series of tragedies rose 144 hymns and 34 versified Psalms, which were enormously popular. Her main work was Poems on Subjects Chiefly Devotional (1760). When Trinity Church in Boston, Massachusetts (where Phillips Brooks later became rector) published its hymnal in 1808, 59 of its 144 hymns were from the pen of Anne Steele. She preferred to remain anonymous, though, writing under a pen name. Her tombstone carried the following words:
Silent the lyre, and dumb the tuneful tongue,
That sung on earth her great Redeemer’s praise;
But now in Heaven she joins the angelic song,
In more harmonious, more exalted lays.
* Julian, pp. 1089, 1161, 1577, 1590, 1654, 1675, 1681
* Stulken, p. 316
* Wright, pp. 276-7
1. Ah, Wretched Souls Who Strive in Vain
* May I Resolve with All My Heart
* Now I Resolve with All My Heart
2. Alas! What Hourly Dangers Rise
3. Amazing Love That Stooped So Low
4. Bright Scenes of Bliss, Unclouded Skies
5. Come, Heavenly Love, Inspire My Song
* Come, Heavenly Dove, Inspire My Song
* Come, Holy Ghost, Inspire Our Song
* Come, Holy Spirit, Guide My Song
* Savior! O What Endless Charms, The
6. Come, Let Our Souls Adore the Lord
7. Come, Tune Ye Saints, Your Noblest Strains
8. Come Ye That Love the Savior’s Name
9. Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul
10. Deep Are the Wounds Which Sin Has Made
11. Enslaved by Sin, and Bound in Chains
12. Eternal Power, Mighty God
13. Eternal Source of Joys Divine
14. Far from These Narrow Scenes of Night
15. Father of Mercies, in Thy Word
16. Father, Whate’er of Earthly Bliss
17. God of My Salvation Lives, The
18. Gospel, O What Endless Charms, The
19. Great God, to Thee My Evening Song
20. Great Source of Boundless Power and Grace
21. He Lives! the Great Redeemer Lives!
22. Hear, Gracious Lord, My Humble Moan
23. Hear, O My God, with Pity Hear
24. How Blest Are Those, How Truly Wise
25. How Far Beyond Our Mortal View
26. How Helpless Guilty Nature Lies
27. How Lovely, How Divinely Sweet
28. How Oft, Alas!
29. In Vain I Trace Creation O’er
30. In Vain My Roving Thoughts Would Find
31. Jesus, and Didst Thou Leave the Sky?
32. Jesus Demands This Heart of Mine
33. Jesus, the Spring of Joys Divine
34. Jesus, Thou Source Divine
35. Look Up, My Soul, with Cheerful Eye
36. Lord, How Mysterious Are Thy Ways
37. Lord, in the Temple of Thy Grace
38. Lord, in Thy Great, Thy Glorious Name
39. Lord, My Shepherd and My Guide, The
40. Lord, the God of Glory Reigns, The
41. Lord, Thou Hast Been Thy Children’s God
42. Lord, We Adore Thy Boundless Grace
43. Lord, When My Raptured Thought Surveys
44. Lord, When My Thoughts Delighted Rove
45. Mind Was Formed to Mount Sublime, The
46. My God, My Father, Blissful Name!
47. My God, O Could I Make the Claim
48. My God, ’Tis to Thy Mercy Seat
49. My God, to Thee I Call
50. My Maker and My King
51. My Soul, to God, Its Source, Aspires
52. O Could Our Thoughts and Wishes Fly
53. O for a Sweet, Inspiring Ray
54. O for the Eye of Faith Divine
55. O Jesus, Our Exalted Head
56. O Thou Whose Tender Mercy Hears
57. O World of Bliss, Could Mortal Eyes
58. Once Loved form Now Could and Dead, The
59. Permit Me, Lord, to Seek Thy Face
60. Praise Ye the Lord, Let Praise Employ
61. Savior Calls, The
62. See, Lord, Thy Willing Subjects Bow
63. Should Famine o’er the Mourning Field
64. So Fades the Lovely, Blooming Flower
65. Stern Winter Throws His Icy Chains
66. Stretched on the Cross, the Savior Dies
67. Sure, the Blest Comforter Is Nigh
68. There Is a Glorious World on High
69. Thou Lovely Source of True Delight
70. Thou Only Sovereign of My Heart
71. Thy Gracious Presence, O My God
72. Thy Kingdom, Lord, Forever Stands
73. To Jesus, Our Exalted Lord
74. To Our Redeemer’s Glorious Name
75. To Your Creator, God
76. Triumphant, Christ Ascends on High
77. When Blest with That Transporting View
78. When Death Before My Sight
79. When Gloomy Thoughts and Boding Fears
80. When I Resolved to Watch My Thoughts
* Almighty Maker of My Frame
81. When I Survey Life’s Varied Scene
82. When Sins and Fears Prevailing Rise
83. When Weary Souls with Sin Distressed
84. Whene’er the Angry Passions Rise
85. Where Is God? Does He Retire
86. While My Redeemer’s Near
87. Why Sinks My Weak Desponding Mind?
88. Ye Earthly Vanities, Depart
89. Ye Glittering Toys of Earth Adieu
90. Ye Humble Souls, Approach Your God
Hymns Composed (1)
How Firm A Foundation Mens (TTBB)The last 10 hymns uploaded.
- # 1 - Hark! There Comes A Whisper 2 (TTBB) (uploaded on Jan 23, 2025 at 06:29:36am)
- # 2 - Steal Away (TTBB) (uploaded on Jan 19, 2025 at 05:15:12pm)
- # 3 - The Departed (TTBB) (uploaded on Jan 18, 2025 at 06:47:54am)
- # 4 - Come, While The Saviour Calls (TTBB) (uploaded on Jan 14, 2025 at 12:30:56pm)
- # 5 - Let the Saviour In 2 (TTBB) (uploaded on Jan 14, 2025 at 11:58:17am)
- # 6 - Come, Come to Jesus 2 (TTBB) (uploaded on Jan 13, 2025 at 10:16:19am)
- # 7 - Tell It Out 2 (TTBB) (uploaded on Jan 13, 2025 at 07:36:26am)
- # 8 - Glory To God In The Highest (Stebbins) (TTBB) (uploaded on Jan 12, 2025 at 04:50:55pm)
- # 9 - Only Remembered (Smith) (TTBB) (uploaded on Jan 11, 2025 at 07:48:53am)
- #10 - Sleep Thy Last Sleep (TTBB) (uploaded on Jan 09, 2025 at 06:55:33am)