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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Authors

S., F. L. S., M. S. S., W. Sammis, John H. Sangster, Margaret E. Sauder, Edward Getz Schade, Johan Casper Scheffler, Johanan Schmidt, Johann E. Schmolck, Benjamin Schrock, Rachel L Schroeder, Johann H. Schroll, Eleanor Allen Scott, Thomas Scriven, Joseph Seamans, Clarence Milton Sears, Edmund H. Seibert, Gertrude Woodcock Servoss, Mary Elizabeth Setting, Traditional Scottish Shadduck, Bert Shaffer, M. S. Shaw, Knowles Shekleton, Mary Shepherd, Thomas Sherwin, William Fiske Shindler, Mrs. M. S. B. D. Shipton, Anna Shirley, Walter Shorey, Mrs. L. Shurtleff, Ernest W. Sigourney, Mrs. L. H. Silva, Ted Slade, Mary Bridges Canedy Sleeper, W. T. Small, J. G. Smith, J. Denham Smith, M. J. Smith, Mrs. Albert Smith, Mrs. C. S. Smith, Oswald Jeffrey Smith, Samuel Francis Smith, T. Berry Sohren, Peter Spafford, H. G. Spencer, William Anson Spiritual, Spiritual, American Negro Spitta, Karl Johann Philipp Spooner, Arthur W. Squires, N. J. St. John, C. L. Stafforn, Fannie Edna Staley, M. Victor Stead, Louisa M.R. Stebbins, George C. Steeling, J. L. Stegmann, Joshua Steiglitz, Sue Stennet, Samuel Sterling, J. L. Sterling, Julia Sterling, Rian J. Stieglitz, Sue Stites, E. P. Stites, Edgar Page Stocker, John Stockton, J. H. Stockton, Mrs. M. Stokes, Elwood R. Stoller, Rod L. Storm, August Ludwig Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowell, Hugh Strouse, Clarence B. Stuart, Victoria Studium, Joseph of the Sturm, Jul. Suffield, Kittie (Mrs. Frederick W.) Louise Sutton, Amos Swain, Joseph Symonds, John Addington

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