Your online source for free hymn arrangements.
O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Author Bio Information

Sherwin, William Fiske's bio information

Tuesday, March 14, 1826 - Saturday, April 14, 1888

Born: March 14, 1826, Buckland, Massachusetts.

Died: April 14, 1888, Boston, Massachusetts.

After moving to Boston as a teenager, Sherwin studied music under Lowell Mason. He later worked at the New England Conservatory of Music, and taught singing in Massachusetts and New York. He was the first music director at the Chautauqua Movement near Chautauqua, New York, and was musical editor at Biglow and Main publishers. His works include:

* Songs of Grace and Glory (with Silas Vail) (New York: Horace Waters & Son, 1874)


* Erickson, p. 392
* Julian, pp. 1055, 1702
* Nutter, p. 464
* Stulken, p. 313


1. God Our Refuge


1. Awake! for the Trumpet Is Sounding!
2. Beautiful Valley of Eden
3. Bread of Life
4. Chautauqua, Evening Praise
5. Cutting
6. Fully Persuaded
7. Galilee, Bright Galilee
8. Hear the Call
9. Heavenly Fold
10. Mason
11. Master’s Call, The
12. Monsell (Sherwin)
13. Praise the Giver of All
14. Sound the Battle Cry
15. Wake the Song
16. Whom Have I in Heaven?


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