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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Baptism And Communion

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O God be praised, who reigns above,
For granting us salvation!
We have through Jesus Christ, His Son,
Obtained regeneration.

Our heavy debt He did forgive
And gave us raiments spotless.
His Spirit did our souls revive;
Our hearts were filled with gladness.

He cleansed us from each sinful stain
Through precious blood of Jesus.
He did unite us then with Him,
From Adam's fall redeemed us.

The wedding garment white as snow
He gave us in baptism.
Through righteousness
In Him we have
To a new life arisen.

In this pure garment, white and fair,
Of heavenly perfection
He calls us to His supper there;
O, blessed invitation!

Ye children of the Lord, rejoice
In true and holy union,
That ye are called to sup with Him
In such divine communion.

A mansion He has now prepared
For us in heaven's glory,
And with the robe of righteousness
He clothes us pure and holy.

Rejoice, thou holy Church of God,
Christ's advent now is nearing!
For He shall come to call His bride
With angel hosts appearing.

Your wedding robes keep free from stain;
Your soul guard from deception.
Thou wilt enjoy with Jesus there
A glorious reception.

O, blest are they who here receive
The Bridegroom's invitation
And who endure unto the end
All trials and tribulation!

And after all the many griefs
Through which they here are going,
In glory they shall then rejoice
With crowns of beauty glowing.

O, therefore Zion, God's own host,
Hold fast to faith's assurance;
Stay true, and thou shalt then receive
A crown for thy endurance!

Uploaded on September 30th, 2024 at 2:12pm and has 8 views!


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