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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Christ, Our Friend

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Christ, our Friend, His dear love brightens
Ev'ry path our feet may tread;
Gilds our darkest hours with sunshine,
Ev'ry grief with joy o'er-spread.
Richest blessings, without number,
Does out loving Father send;
How can we, for one brief moment,
Slight the love of such a Friend?

We will love Him, trust Him ever,
Till the dream of life shall end;
For His dear love faileth never,
Christ, our Brother, Christ, our Friend.
In the hours of pain and suff'ring,
We can lean on Jesus' breast,
Hearing His sweet words of comforet,
"Come to Me, I'll give you rest."

When we tread the darksome valley
There will be for us no gloom;
We'll be safe in Jesus' keeping
His dear love will guide us home.
Home, sweet home, all suff'ring ended,
Frest, sweet rest, which knows no end;
Rest with Him who sealed our pardon
Christ, our Saviour, Brother Friend!

Uploaded on October 7th, 2008 at 2:50am and has 258 views!


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