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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

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In earth's anguish here I will not murmur,
Neither seek nor crave a crown of honor,
When my Lord a crown of thorns did wear.
Will not seek the flow'ry path of roses,
When our holy Lord and Saviour, Jesus,
There on Calvary the cross did bear.

Give me, Lord, for this life's journey only
Truth to guide me through this world so lonely
And Thy Spirit for to lead the way
Give a heart that willingly will follow
On the path so steep and straight and narrow
Where Thy holy feet once led the way.

In the true faith let me never tire;
And the fruit of faith, the holy fire,
Love untarnished, Lord, O give to me.
Without it I cannot forward journey;
Love alone can lead to love eternal;
Only love leads through this world to Thee.

Friendly was to me Thy invitation,
Dearest Lord! So, in my humble station
Heavenward my steps shall e'er proceed;
Therefore lend unto Thy lowly servant
From above Thy grace and love so fervent;
Strengthen and direct my weary feet.

Let a clear and hopeful view be given
Unto me into Thy blissful heaven,
When on earth no rest from toil I find.
In this vale of anguish and affliction
Give me constant peace and pure affection
And a trusting, heaven-gladdened mind.

Yea, upon this earth I am a stranger,
Burdened with a cross and many dangers,
Am a pilgrim, poor and unbeknown.
Be the cross my pilgrim journey's token
Till my earthly house at last be broken,
And I reach that dear and heav'nly home.

Uploaded on September 25th, 2024 at 4:42pm and has 14 views!


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