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Alternate Zion's Harp Numbers: 91
Onward! strive to reach the goal,
Heaven's Fatherland!
Though the tempter grieves thy soul,
Jesus guides thy hand.
So, safely on;
After conflicts here shall end
We to glory will ascend;
In this rejoice.
Christ Himself the pathway strode
With courageous tread,
Showing thee the heav'nly road.
Follow without dread!
O trust in Him!
He helps thee in all distress;
To be faithful unto death
Be thy sole aim!
Doth the burden and the heat
Fill thy heart with fear?
Doth it seem a heavy yoke,
What thou hast to bear?
O, then behold
Jesus' cross which He once bore
And the curse He did endure
To save His fold.
Doth thy way through darkness lead,
Ne'er a shining star?
When in conflict and in need,
Seems His help afar?
He is thy light,
And as Shepherd day and night
Watches thee, keeps thee in sight;
He slumbers not.
And when death shall come at last
Thou shalt feel no dread;
When thy mortal pain is past,
Thou shalt see our Head
In radiance new.
When our conflict here doth end,
Into glory shall ascend
The Christian true.
Heaven's Fatherland!
Though the tempter grieves thy soul,
Jesus guides thy hand.
So, safely on;
After conflicts here shall end
We to glory will ascend;
In this rejoice.
Christ Himself the pathway strode
With courageous tread,
Showing thee the heav'nly road.
Follow without dread!
O trust in Him!
He helps thee in all distress;
To be faithful unto death
Be thy sole aim!
Doth the burden and the heat
Fill thy heart with fear?
Doth it seem a heavy yoke,
What thou hast to bear?
O, then behold
Jesus' cross which He once bore
And the curse He did endure
To save His fold.
Doth thy way through darkness lead,
Ne'er a shining star?
When in conflict and in need,
Seems His help afar?
He is thy light,
And as Shepherd day and night
Watches thee, keeps thee in sight;
He slumbers not.
And when death shall come at last
Thou shalt feel no dread;
When thy mortal pain is past,
Thou shalt see our Head
In radiance new.
When our conflict here doth end,
Into glory shall ascend
The Christian true.
Uploaded on October 7th, 2008 at 2:56am and has 362 views!
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