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It was in dark Gethsemane,
Where Jesus in His agony
Endured the anguish deep and great,
In view of His impending fate.
On Olive's brow ‘neath shadows deep
In dark Gethsemane's retreat,
The Master knelt in earnest pray'r,
While loved disciples slumbered there.
Gethsemane, O woeful place,
Where Jesus sought the Father's face!
O take the cup of death from me,
Its awful pain and agony!
Yet not my will, but Thine be done;
This was the plea of God's own Son,
None other could for sin atone;
In anguish deep He pray'd alone.
Prophetic words must be fulfilled;
The blessed Lamb, as God had willed,
Must give His life upon the cross
To save us from eternal loss,
And thrice He pray'd in earnest tone
In dark Gethsemane alone,
With angel's help the vict'ry won,
Then Jesus pray'd, "Thy will be done."
If we would Christ's disciples be
Our will with His must blended be;
Our very self must be o'ercome
That we may say, "Thy will be done."
As Jesus in Gethsemane
By pray'r attained the victory,
So shall we, when we seek His face,
Still find in Him abundant grace.
Where Jesus in His agony
Endured the anguish deep and great,
In view of His impending fate.
On Olive's brow ‘neath shadows deep
In dark Gethsemane's retreat,
The Master knelt in earnest pray'r,
While loved disciples slumbered there.
Gethsemane, O woeful place,
Where Jesus sought the Father's face!
O take the cup of death from me,
Its awful pain and agony!
Yet not my will, but Thine be done;
This was the plea of God's own Son,
None other could for sin atone;
In anguish deep He pray'd alone.
Prophetic words must be fulfilled;
The blessed Lamb, as God had willed,
Must give His life upon the cross
To save us from eternal loss,
And thrice He pray'd in earnest tone
In dark Gethsemane alone,
With angel's help the vict'ry won,
Then Jesus pray'd, "Thy will be done."
If we would Christ's disciples be
Our will with His must blended be;
Our very self must be o'ercome
That we may say, "Thy will be done."
As Jesus in Gethsemane
By pray'r attained the victory,
So shall we, when we seek His face,
Still find in Him abundant grace.
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