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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Holy Simplicity

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Holy virtue, graceful wonder,
Might of God, love, innocence!
In Thy face the high are humbled,
Only God's work has defense.

Meek and lowly, childlike nature,
Glory of humility!
It alone restores us fully,
And from Adam's fall sets free.

God alone is its true pleasure,
Joy and glory of the heart;
He gives it a perfect treasure,
And true bliss He will impart.

In such sincere, childlike beings,
God reveals His mighty arm,
And the humble hearted chooses
Mighty wonders to perform.

It has God's support in conflict,
Unto wickedness is dead;
Ne'er becomes the spoil of Satan,
To God's joyful rest is led.

It has what the Lord has given,
Grace by grace out of His fill.
Boasts not of itself, is ever
Led of God to do His will.

It is clearly its own mirror,
Shuns all false and vain pretense,
Bears the seal of Jesus' Spirit,
Journeys on without offense.

It us from our "Self" delivers,
And from all our sinful woe;
God alone is its selection,
Therefore God protects it so.

Thus in purity it journeys,
At God's hand, the narrow way;
And in God here bears in patience,
Cross and woe from day to day.

Hid in God, it lives in gladness,
Looks to Him in every place;
Without fear or care or sorrow,
It beholds His holy face.

It entrusts its pilgrim journey
To God's mighty hand alone,
Looking toward the glorious ending
When God will receive His own.

It is rich in gifts for others,
Not too sensitive, or vain;
Has a heart that shares sincerely
Every human ill or pain.

It seeks neither praise nor greatness;
Chiding, shame, no hurt imparts;
Thinks no evil; for all goodness
Has a deeply grateful heart.

What is there on earth so precious
As a child, sincere in love?
For of such is Jesus' kingdom,
With eternal joy above.

O thou lovely flower of heaven,
That our Saviour did provide!
Thou the peace of God enjoyest,
For which Jesus lived and died.

Holy innocence so childlike,
How my heart here yearns for thee!
Sun of grace, O purest virtue,
Jesus, shine Thou forth in me.

Son of God, in holy silence
Us to God Thou didst restore;
May my will, in true submission,
Rest in Thee forevermore!

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