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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Jesus, Our Priest And King

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Alternate Zion's Harp Numbers: 28, 32, 94, 186

God, the Father of our Saviour,
Who in heaven has His throne,
Is the source of all creation,
Origin of life alone.
He said to His Son, Christ Jesus,
"On my throne which never ceases
Sit Thou, 'til Thy foes shall be
Made a footstool unto Thee."

Now Thy throne stands high in heaven,
King o'er ev'ry multitude;
Thou shalt rule till all opponents
At Thy feet shall lie subdued.
Ev'ry foe shall fear and tremble,
When Thy host Thou wilt assemble,
And in glorious victory
Shalt put on Thy majesty.

Dominate Thy adversaries;
Hold Thy sceptre, keep Thy vows!
May Thy church, the mount of Zion,
Be Thy royal treasure house.
When Thy vict'ry is completed
And Thy foes annihilated,
Then shall we in holiness
Worship Thee with joy and praise.

Then shall Zion bear Thee children,
An uncounted multitude,
Freed from sorrow and affliction,
And with wondrous grace endued,
As the plenteous dew of morning,
Strong in might of Thine adorning;
Since the strife is o'er, they sing
Joyful in eternal spring.

Verily our God hath spoken,
And His promise He will hold.
Lord, Thou art a Priest forever,
As Melchizedek of old.
Thou shalt be a High Priest ever,
Prince of Peace, the only Saviour;
Yea, Thou shalt in majesty
King and Priest and Prophet be.

Thy work is to bless Thy people
From the Holy Place above,
Granting grace to all believers,
Who are praising God in love.
Since Thy lifeblood Thou hast given,
Opening the way to heaven,
He who now repents shall live,
If he truly doth believe.

When the Lord brings all to judgment
And avenges every wrong,
When He humbles all the haughty,
Breaking Satan's power strong,
Then will Jesus' crowns be gleaming
Far beyond man's fondest dreaming,
And His people's joy will be
Him to serve eternally!

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