Hymn Information
My Redeemer (AL 24)
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Alte Lieder 24
O take my life,
As wholly Thine Upon this earth;
For but in Christ
Life finds true worth;
And what was man
But as a dreary, starless night,
Before Thy grace did lend us light.
The earth was void,
A desert place;
All life entombed,
Till at Thy Word,
The morning bloomed;
And now Thy Word
Assurance gives that Thou art true
To him who lives with Thee anew.
The former night
That gripped my soul
Was put to flight
At Thy command
With holy might;
So take my life
For Thou alone art worthy, Lord,
Such consecration to accord.
As wholly Thine Upon this earth;
For but in Christ
Life finds true worth;
And what was man
But as a dreary, starless night,
Before Thy grace did lend us light.
The earth was void,
A desert place;
All life entombed,
Till at Thy Word,
The morning bloomed;
And now Thy Word
Assurance gives that Thou art true
To him who lives with Thee anew.
The former night
That gripped my soul
Was put to flight
At Thy command
With holy might;
So take my life
For Thou alone art worthy, Lord,
Such consecration to accord.
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