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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Onward Go

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Lyrics arranged.

Trusting in the Lord thy God,
Onward go! Onward go!
Holding fast His promised word,
Onward go!
Ne'er deny His worthy Name,
Tho' it bring reproach and shame;
Spreading still His wondrous fame,
Onward go!

Has He call'd thee to the plough?
Onward go! Onward go!
Night is coming, serve Him now;
Onward go!
Faith and love in service blend;
On His mighty arm depend;
Standing fast until the end,
Onward go!

Has He giv'n thee golden grain?
Onward go! Onward go!
Sow, and thou shalt reap again;
Onward go!
To thy Master's gate repair,
Watching be and waiting there;
He will hear and answer prayer;
Onward go!

Has He said the end is near?
Onward go! Onward go!
Serving Him with holy fear,
Onward go!
Christ thy portion, Christ thy stay,
Heav'nly bread upon the way
Leading on to glorious day;
Onward go!

In this little moment then,
Onward go! Onward go!
In thy ways ackowledge Him;
Onward go!
Let His mind be found in thee:
Let His will thy pleasure be;
Thus in life and liberty,
Onward go!

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