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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Tarry Not

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Flourishing youth, Thou our hope and our fond expectation,
Hark to the voice that is calling in kind invitation!
That hand obey Which oft has pointed the way
To the dear Saviour's salvation!

Offer the lively, the cheerful and beautiful flower,
Offer with gladness and willingness thy youthful power
To Christ, thy friend, Who thy soul e'er will defend,
Safe in His heavenly bower.

Tenderly Jesus embraces the lambs as His treasure.
Youth, thou shalt furnish the Shepherd His favorite pleasure.
Blessing and glee Showers the Father on thee,
Prize of His flock, without measure.

Living for Jesus will bring thee to joy everlasting,
Daily and hourly His great and eternal love tasting.
This shall suffice, But on the pathway of vice,
Body and soul you'd be wasting.

Trees of sweet youth filled with holy, devout animation,
In grace and wisdom expanding through Christ's inspiration,
With loving care, God will in due time prepare
For His good work of salvation.

Honor and grace with the Lamb and God ever possessing,
No earthly glory compares with this heavenly blessing.
Then in your youth Turn to the Saviour in truth,
Lest your time vainly be passing.

If thou wilt seek Him, His angels around thee will hover;
In their communion great happiness thou shalt discover,
If thou wilt stay With Him until thy last day,
Who is thy bridegroom and lover.

Think what great honor and glory the Lord then will render
Him who from childhood and till his last years did surrender
All to the Lord; Even old age will accord
Crowns of God's mercy so tender.

Surely there follows a happy, contented departure,
All who the Lamb's reconciling and soul-healing torture
Long years have known. Yea, in this service alone
Will I inherit my fortune.

Uploaded on October 6th, 2024 at 6:53pm and has 0 views!


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