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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

The Heavenly Mind

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Heavenward, e'er heavenward
Let us wend our way!
What the righteous seek is there
Found without delay,
But not on earth.
Joy here alternates with woe;
Lift on high from earth below
Thy heart and mind!

Heavenward direct thy soul
Ev'ry morn anew!
Swift our pilgrimage doth roll;
This, O man, is true!
O plead and pray:
God, who called me by His grace,
Deep into my heart impress
Thy truth each day.

Heavenward the Lord would have
Thee to set Thy aim;
Be not anxious; do not crave
Earthly wealth or fame.
From such abstain!
Only what with hand and heart
For the Lord is set apart
Will bring thee gain.

Heavenward thy refuge take
When oppressed with care,
For thy God will ne'er forsake
Nor leave in despair.
Why this distress?
In the realms of light above
There is joy and peace and love;
This hope possess!

Heavenward walk by Thy side
All the Lord's elect,
And with heav'nly foretaste do
What their Lord directs.
O join the throng!
Strive with zeal while here below;
Walk life's way through pain and woe;
In God be strong!

Heavenward through all contempt
Our dear Saviour trod;
Follow Him, where'er He went,
As a child of God.
Hold fast to Him!
Silently thy burden bear;
Change thy murm'ring into prayer;
The vict'ry win!

Heavenward His hand doth guide
Through the desert waste;
Draws thee closer to His side,
Makes thy spirit chaste.
He will destroy
Every earthly vanity,
And will lead thee finally
Into His joy.

Hallelujah! Heavenward,
Let thy thanks ascend;
Thou shalt also join thy Lord
At the journey's end.
Then thou shalt be
Where all pain is turned aside,
There to praise Him, glorified

"Hallelujah," thou wilt sing
When thy Lord shall come,
Joyfully His own to bring
To His heav'nly home.
Great is the Lord!
For the cross He took a throne,
Made His victory thine own!
Praised be the Lord!

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