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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

The Lord's Apostles

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In pray'r upon a mountain's height,
Our Saviour spent the dark'ning night,
The pray'r for helpers was His plea;
O Father, wilt Thou choose for me?

The Father heard: the answer came,
Of Thy disciples choose by name
The twelve whom I have shown to Thee;
Thou shalt their Lord and Master be.

The call to Simon Peter came;
Tho' bold in heart in Jesus' name
He failed, yet conquered, trusting still
He learned to do the Master's will.

John was the Master's loving choice,
In Jesus' love he did rejoice;
His love and faith in Christ did blend;
He was the Master's bosom friend.

Then Andrew was the Master's choice,
In steadfast faith he did rejoice,
To help Him win the souls of men
And guide them back to heaven again.

He looked to James; the Master's plea,
Forsake the world, and follow me.
To Christ the Lord his soul was bound
Until a martyr's death be found.

And Philip sought and found the Lord
'Twas love and faith in one accord,
A deacon true, great was his zeal,
His labors did his worth reveal.

Bartholomew was Jesus' friend,
This willing worker Christ did send
With others of Apostle band
To harvest souls in distant lands.

In Matthew did the Saviour find
A publican of humble mind.
Forsook the tax collector's part
And gave to Christ a willing heart.

In fear, dismay, and doubtful mind
In Thomas we example find.
The risen Christ did faith afford,
Then Thomas cried, "My God, and Lord."

In James, the son of Alphaeus,
A helper true and virtuous,
The Saviour found a worthy hand
To fill the dear Apostle band.

And Simon, called the Canaanite,
The Lord did bring in truth and light,
'Tis true his record is not plain;
Yet true to Christ did he remain.

Thaddaeus, called by Christ the Lord
Obeyed the Master's voice and Word,
A true Apostle did he prove,
And labored on in faith and love.

How sad a lot, we fain would tell
That Judas by transgression fell,
By his betrayal, crucified,
Our Saviour languished, bled and died.

Matthias now the ranks to fill
Was chosen by the Father's will.
The holy band was thus supplied,
By God's own choice and sanctified.

The chief of sinners once was Paul,
Though he was chosen last of all;
Repenting, pardoned, labored most,
He's numbered with the heavenly host.


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