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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

The Lord's Supper

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Alternate Zion's Harp Numbers: 41, 145, 220, 221

We worship Thee with tears of gladness,
Lord Jesus Christ, for Thy great love!
To reconcile us with the Father,
To die, Thou camest from above.
How great has been Thy sacrifice!
To Thee our thanks and praise shall rise.

To break Thy bread we now have gathered,
In covenant to drink Thy wine;
As brethren we unite together,
That unto death we might be Thine.
This promise we, with heart and will;
Give grace our promise to fulfill.

Thine is the pow'r and will to strengthen,
Thou lov'dst me unto the death!
In Thee I find life and salvation;
Thou'lt comfort me in my last breath.
O precious Jesus, dearest Lord,
All gifts to us Thou dost accord.

Yet closer unto Thee unite me,
As Thou with God united art.
In truth Thine own and not pretending,
A Christian true, in mind and heart;
This will I seek, this is my aim,
My heart, Lord, as Thy dwelling claim!

And ye, the Church's members, truly
Are folded in my heart's embrace!
In Christ ye are my brethren duly;
We share salvation through His grace.
We drink one cup; we break one bread;
One Saviour suffered in our stead.

As here, in Jesus' name invited,
His people meet to share His love,
So shall the ransomed be united,
A mighty throng, in heaven above,
To praise Him there before the throne,
Our Lord and Saviour, Christ the Son.

Nor shall the scorn of those who hate me,
Nor joy nor earthly vanity,
From Thy dear love e'er separate me;
In death it shall my stronghold be;
Thou art and ever wilt be mine,
And I forever, Saviour, Thine!

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