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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

The Majesty Of God

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O Majesty, we worship meekly,
We know Thou needest not our praises,
We sorely need Thy love and care.
We're born to Thy name's adoration
So dearly bought, a new creation,
Salvation, to Thee honor bear!
In honor of Thy name
Is all creation's fame. Blessed Being!
With pray'rful hearts to Thee we come,
In truth and spirit be it done.

The cherubim and seraph's number
In rev'rence bow, they never slumber;
The angels throng, Oh, numberless!
The highest spirits, who well know Thee,
Their praise and honor bring before Thee,
Thy greatness and Thy might confess.
Their blessedness art Thou,
To Thee they humbly bow. Amen! Amen!
We too are Thine, We so agree,
Thou, God, our God fore'er shalt be!

The elders great, Thy throne surrounding,
Give up their crowns in praise abounding;
The chosen firstborn's mighty throng,
The multitude from ev'ry nation,
In robes of white, who found salvation,
In worship raise their voice and song.
Thine is all pow'r and might,
All wisdom, praise, and right! Amen! Amen!
We too are Thine, And sing Thy chime,
Thou, God, art our God, most sublime!

They magnify Thy deeds with gladness,
Tell of Thy goodness, pow'r, and greatness
Most blessed, worthy of all praise,
That purest wisdom, love most loyal
Are in Thy wondrous ways so royal,
And even more their "Amen" says.
Their praise will not suffice;
Thy works praise Thee, Allwise! Amen! Amen!
We too are Thine, And sing the chime,
Thou, God, art our God, most sublime!

Through Thy good will we see surviving
All Thou hast made, all that is living;
Thy work is marvelous and great!
By all must Thy due praise be given
Of things in earth and sea and heaven:
For these Thy glory all reflect;
All things that move and live
To Thee do praises give: Amen! Amen!
We, too, are Thine, And with them join:
"Thou, God, alone art King divine!"

Thy friends who here among all nations
Have built their pilgrim habitations
Exalt Thee, O Thou Blessed Good:
They all confess Thee perfect ever,
They call Thee God and only Saviour,
Who hast redeemed them by Thy blood!
Their Portion, Lord, art Thou,
The only Hope they know: Amen! Amen!
We, too, are Thine, And with them join:
"Thou, God, alone art King divine!"

Thyself in us be glorifying,
And we Thine honor magnifying,
O make our heart Thy Holy Place,
That it with Thy great glory filled,
And by Thy nearness duly stilled,
By glowing with Thy Godhead's praise!
May heart and mind and soul
Thy goodness, Lord, extol: Amen! Amen!
Hallelujah! Praise God on high!
The Lord is great and good and nigh!

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