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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

The Word Of Life

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Word of Life, the fountain flowing
Purely from the throne above,
Life and strength to him imparting,
Who accepts the Word in love.
As a blossom that is blighted
From the sun's own heat severe,
Thirsting in the barren valley,
Stoops to drink its waters clear.

What were earth to be without Thee?
But a vale in dark despair.
Heav'n would have no joys to cheer me,
If I could not find Thee there.
What were life to live without Thee?
As a never ending night.
Death, without Thee, would be darkness;
There would be no dawning light.

Word of Life, Thou dost enlighten,
And Thy warmth and love we feel.
Sinners in Thee read their portion;
Heaven's joys it does reveal.
Sinners by the Word are wakened
From their sleep; They stand dismayed.
Yet the penitent finds mercy;
Thus his sorrow is repaid.

Through the Word we fear the Master,
As a judge with righteous pow'r.
Yet we love the Lord, who carries
Us in patience ev'ry hour,
And we love the God who giveth
His own Son, a ransom true;
Sin in Him is judged forever,
And in Him we live anew.

Full redemption is the promise
Made to him who heeds the Word.
They, who in their hearts retain Thee,
Shall receive the great reward.
In my heart I'll strive to keep Thee,
Word of truth, and strength, and love,
Conq'ring as a sword in battle,
Then I'll wear the crown above.

Uploaded on October 8th, 2024 at 2:24pm and has 5 views!


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