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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Are You Coming Home To-Night

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Lyrics Arranged

Are you coming Home, ye wand'rers,
Whom Jesus died to win,
All footsore, lame and weary,
Your garments stain'd with sin;
Will you seek the blood of Jesus
To wash your garments white;
Will you trust His precious promise,
Are you coming Home tonight?

Are you coming Home, ye lost ones?
Behold your Lord doth wait:
Come, then no longer linger,
Come ere it be too late;
Will you come and let Him save you,
O trust His love and might;
Will you come while He is calling,
Are you coming Home tonight?

Are you coming Home, ye guilty,
Who bear the load of sin;
Outside you've long been standing,
Come now and venture in;
Will you heed the Saviour's promise,
And dare to trust Him quite
"Come unto me," saith Jesus,
Are you coming Home tonight?

Are you coming Home tonight,
Are you coming Home tonight
Are you coming Home to Jesus,
Out of darkness into light?
Are you coming Home tonight,
Are you coming Home tonight
To your loving, heav'nly Father,
Are you coming Home tonight?

Uploaded on July 28th, 2024 at 7:07pm and has 16 views!


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