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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Approach To The Throne Of God

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Alternate Zion's Harp Numbers: 77, 181, 133

To Thee, Saviour, we draw near,
With our thanks we now appear.
Hear Thou, Lord, our childlike plea;
Grant what we shall ask of Thee.

Mortals in this world can find
Joys that cheer the carnal mind,
And what men shall count as gain,
All such pleasures are in vain.

Precious is Thy kingdom there,
What can now with it compare!
Grace, O Lord, in Thee we find,
Joy and peace for heart and mind.

Jesus, come, we do implore!
Thine we'd be forevermore.
Give us now Thy Spirit's seal;
Thus Thy promises reveal.

Lord, Thy gospel does resound
With its news the world around.
Nations hear the blessed word,
Grace and peace from Christ, The Lord.

Open Thou the hearts of men!
Let Thy kingdom come, and then
Check Thou every cunning might,
Turn to day the darkest night!

In Thine heralds, power inspire,
Patience, wisdom, love's true fire!
Though they here must sow in tears,
Yet the richest fruit is theirs.

Zion, thank Thy Lord anew;
What you pray He'll gladly do,
For His mercy does appear
To us all, both far and near.

Brethren, sing through all the days
Songs of love and hymns of praise.
Jesus Christ our joy shall be
Here and in eternity.

Uploaded on October 7th, 2008 at 2:45am and has 379 views!


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