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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Faith, Hope, And Love

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Faith and hope and love adorn
Heart and life of all true Christians;
With these must each child of God
Be endowed in full submission.
All who wish to serve God truly
Must show forth these virtues fully.

Faith which laid the cornerstone
Of redemption's true foundation,
Looks to Jesus Christ alone,
Makes with heart and lips confession
Of His Spirit's faithful training,
Bears the cross without complaining.

Love, the fruit of faith, must we
Show to God and to our neighbor;
Yield to discipline each day,
Willing for the Lord to labor.
No affliction e'er can sever
Us from Jesus Christ forever.

Hope encourages our love
To o'ercome all tribulation
And will in the deepest flood
Anchor on the firm foundation.
What we here endure with sadness,
Hope will change to joy and gladness.

O preserve this faith in me,
Gracious Lord, in Thy good pleasure;
Shame all those who mightily
Seek to rob me of this treasure;
Let the bruised reed not be broken,
Nor be quenched the flax, still smoking!

May my charity be pure
Not a sham or pretense merely,
O bestow Thy power sure,
That my love may shine out clearly;
Help me love Thee, heavenly Father,
And in Thee, my every brother.

Set my hope on solid ground;
Strengthen it in every trial;
May it flourish and abound,
And in danger shun denial.
Let it see past heaven's portal
And find rest in things immortal.

Faith and hope will pass away
When believing ends in seeing;
Then our love will enter in,
Where it first came into being.
There my love in endless action
Shall attain sublime perfection.

Uploaded on September 23rd, 2024 at 6:38am and has 7 views!


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