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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Look Upon Jesus

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O, how joyful are Thy members,
Sorely tempted Man of care,
That upon this earth Thou camest
And for us the cross didst bear!
All infirmities didst carry,
Also ev'ry sinner's woe;
And for ev'ry earthly dweller
Into bitter death didst go!

Reign then in Thy kindly graces
Over Thy disciple band;
Pour upon our pilgrim's pathway
Blessings from Thy loving hand!
By Thy Spirit's gentle wooing,
Start in us without delay
Holiness of life and longing
For the straight and narrow way!

When the cares of life are pressing
Let us in Thee find relief;
And on us Thy peace dispensing
Drive away the deepest grief.
When temptations here assail us,
Let us look up to the cross;
If in strife fear would o'ertake us,
Be protection over us!

Lord, for us the roots uncover
Of disguised or gilded sin;
May we then Thy cross discover
Where our vict'ry Thou didst win.
Help us to be faithful ever;
Hold us fast, for we are Thine,
Till at last we shall forever
Share Thy peace and joy divine!

Oh, how willingly we'll praise Thee,
Gentle Shepherd, when Thou then
Yonder in that glorious city
Thy whole flock wilt gather in!
Come then soon, O Lord, we pray Thee;
Gather us before Thy throne.
O, how joyfully we'll praise Thee,
Crowned in triumph, God's own Son!

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