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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

To Those In Conflict

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Alternate Zion's Harp Numbers: 20, 22

Up and strive; Up and strive;
Brethren, for the true faith strive.
Fortify yourselves in Jesus;
Battle for the crown of life.
Strive to win the Master's praises;
Gird yourselves with might and pow'r each day,
On your way, On your way.

Put it on; Put it on!
Put God's mighty armor on,
Whereby you may bring undoing
To the adversary's plan,
Who designs your overthrowing,
Seeking you upon your pilgrim way
To delay, To delay.

Therefore strive; Therefore strive
'Gainst the cunning and the might,
Of the hordes of evil spirits
Who in darkness and in night
Wage against the Christ their conflict.
For the prince of darkness fears the light
And the right, And the right.

For 'tis true; For 'tis true
That the conflict on life's path
Is not only with the human;
But against the devil's wrath
Is our conflict, He our foeman;
Therefore, with your Head united stay,
Watch and pray, Watch and pray.

Steadfast be, Steadfast be,
Brethren, stand ye fast and fight;
Gird your loins with courage duly,
Gird your minds with truth and right;
Ye shall be victorious truly.
Righteousness shall be your breastplate strong,
Fight the wrong! Fight the wrong!

Battle on, Battle on,
Let your faith be your best shield.
By the Lord Himself erected;
In its shelter hold the field,
'Gainst the enemy protected;
For He would with fiery, deadly darts
Pierce your hearts, pierce your hearts.

Be supplied, Be supplied
With the helmet naught can pierce;
Hold the hope of your salvation,
Though the foe wage battle fierce
With his powers of temptation;
Turn the light your hope doth now accord
To the Lord, To the Lord.

Firmly seize, Firmly seize,
Brethren, take the Spirit's sword,
Which is God's own Word of power.
If you keep it close at hand,
Satan will before you cower,
For he, when God' mighty sword he sees,
Turns and flees, Turns and flees.

O beware, O beware,
Brethren, walk as in the light,
And abide in love forever;
Turn not to the left or right
From the way of your dear Saviour.
Pray ye to the Lord in every need,
He will heed, He will heed.

Carry on, Carry on,
Carry on the work of God,
And the souls of men be winning;
With the Gospel's peace be shod.
Waken those still dead in sinning;
Bring them, through the gracious Gospel-Word,
To the Lord, To the Lord.

Uploaded on October 7th, 2008 at 2:38am and has 392 views!


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