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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Celebrating The Lord's Day

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To Thee, O Lord, be this day dedicated!
Let all rejoice who join to celebrate it!
Let us with joy be in Thy nearness staying
And to Thee praying.

The heav'nly hosts extol Thee with their praises;
Our tongue its voice in honor to Thee raises.
Then be our thanks and all our supplication
Thy exaltation.

In vain this world would tempt me with its pleasure;
My spirit in Thy statutes finds a treasure.
The holy word Thy messengers are preaching
Shall be my teaching.

Let us in meekness, Father, come before Thee;
I know Thou lovest those who would adore Thee.
What Thy flock needs each day of earthly living,
Thou wilt be giving.

May we today, through Thy good Spirit learning,
From ways that please Thee not our steps be turning!
O let us through Thy Word new pow'rs receiving,
To Thee be cleaving!

This is a day of blessing and rejoicing;
On gospel pastures Thou Thy flock art leading.
From fountains clear and living waters flowing,
Good fruits are growing.

This we remember with devout thanksgiving,
That Thou this day didst break the grave, and living,
Didst show Thyself to Thy disciples, saddened:
And their hearts gladdened.

Yea, praise be Thine! Grim death hast Thou defeated;
O Prince of Life, salvation is completed!
For us, Redeemer, Thou hast been victorious;
Thy praise be glorious!

Thy fame resound in highest exultation
Today from this, Thy faithful congregation.
Praise ye His name, ye saints in earth and heaven
Forever. Amen!

Uploaded on October 9th, 2024 at 9:22am and has 4 views!


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