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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

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Christ In The Flesh

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Forsake this world of vanity
And all its lewd deception!
Invite the Prince of Peace to thee,
Give Him a true reception.
Approach Him humbly, low, and meek.
Childlike, His grace and mercy seek,
For surely He first loved thee.

He came in humble modesty
And brought to us all blessings.
There in a manger slumbered He,
Eternal gifts possessing.
Arrayed in feeble flesh and blood
Appeared the gracious Son of God
To bring us all redemption.

In servant form the Saviour came,
From bonds of sin releasing.
His loving face upon us shone
With comfort, peace and blessing.
Removes all judgment and suspense,
Shows us the Father's countenance
With love and grace surrounded.

His star lights up the darkest night
And He is ever near us;
Protects and shields us all with might,
Shares us His help so gracious.
He seeks the missing lamb that strays,
And with His life the ransom pays
For our sins and transgressions.

If thou to life wouldst find the way,
Then search the Scriptures ever.
They show that, through Christ's death, man may
Have life that endeth never!
Lo! On the cross His life He gave
And then was laid into the grave
Because of thy transgressions.

What's needful most keep well in mind,
Within His fold remaining.
Be eager for His bread refined,
Life's fount thy soul sustaining.
With faith in Him look heavenward;
Repentant seek His loving heart,
His arms for thee are open.

And though upon the raging sea
By storms thou shalt be driven,
Thine anchor, guard and shield is He;
His love to thee is given.
He is thy Light in night and grief,
Thy sword the vict'ry to achieve.
He never will forsake thee.

Uploaded on September 27th, 2024 at 3:34pm and has 37 views!


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