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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

Now And Then

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Sing praise to God, all ye who love the Saviour;
Extol His actions; praise His faithfulness!
Sing praise to Him, Who first showed us His favor;
His loving kindness in your song express!
In love and grace He ever greets His children,
Gives them salvation and contentment, grace;
Eternally will be with them in union;
Bestows on them all heaven's blessedness.

O, love Him, all that are His cov'nant's children,
Who unto sin, and world and lust have died,
And in His cruel death, with Him, the Conqu'ror,
Are buried by baptism's bath applied!
He gave in love His life and blood so precious,
To ransom us from guilt and sinful debt;
He raised us up unto a life of newness;
By His great love and grace we here are kept.

O, gracious Saviour, Thou hast left us duly
Thy dear example, and we follow Thee;
O, now enfold us with Thy love most truly,
That willing bearers of Thy shame we be!
How blest, all this for Thy sake to be sharing!
Thou dwell'st in us; we follow faithfully.
Thru crosses here Thou art Thine own preparing
For glory there: O, truly blest are we!

Therefore, ye Christ's disciples, all together,
O, consecrate yourself to Him anew!
United stand; and let love's flame forever
Inflame your hearts with passions, strong and true,
And love in Him alike His humble children,
Whom He has chosen as His sacred bride!
He loves us all and names us all His brethren;
We are His people who in Him abide.

He will us as His people then acknowledge,
When He appears on that great Judgment day;
Before His Father He will then confess us;
His love for us no one can take away!
O, what a happiness for us is waiting
When He, our bridegroom, will appear with might,
Us as His holy bride, with Him uniting
And dry our tears in that eternal light!

With bliss eternal we shall be rewarded:
The crown of life will then the bride adorn.
The tears, the pain, the scorn, the gown of mourning
Shall change to rapture on that joyful morn.
Fulfilled will be what faith is hoping ever;
There we will greet the One our heart doth love;
The stream of life is flowing there forever,
So clear and crystal for us from above.

As King of glory we shall see our Saviour,
Before whose face all earth and heaven flee;
Before whose feet, as humble subjects ever,
The heav'nly host in rev'rence bows the knee.
Yea, there at length must ev'ry knee be bowing,
When He appears upon that judgmentmorn;
When He Himself as WorldJudge will be showing,
Of whom the present world but speaks with scorn.

O, woe to all who here His Word disdaining
Now proudly, boldly walk the sinner's way,
Whose only thought is gold and honor gaining,
Who think the Christian foolish in his day.
How the Avenger, then Himself revealing,
Shall recompense what ev'ry one hath done!
How foolish then shall seem their earthly dealing
Who here upon the scorner's path have gone.

Then shall their laughter all be changed to sorrow,
When earthly joys their final end shall gain,
Yea, gnashing teeth shall have an endless morrow
In late remorse, in torment and in pain.
Their worm, the evil conscience, never dying,
An endless fire at the spirit gnaws,
For worldly sowing brings endless destroying;
Woe him who not unto the Spirit sows!

It shall be well, if we with tears are sowing
The seed in hope of blest eternity,
Despising scorn our foes are here bestowing,
And bearing persecution patiently;
Eternally will prosper fresh and vernal,
The seed of faith that we have planted here,
When we shall harvest 'mid the joys eternal,
And see the ripened sheaves in glory there.

The harvest there will truly our hearts gladden,
So let us freely sow while here we may;
And let us bear all crosses that would sadden,
The Father will reward us in that day.
There will the joys of heaven be unended;
The pain of earth will soon forgotten be.
Here sowing days with sighs and cares are blended;
There we shall reap with joy eternally.

Beloved pilgrims, faith's association,
Keep on in striving for the promised land!
Be praying, fighting without hesitation,
For that great harvest day is near at hand!
Behold the fields; they are soon ripe for harvest;
The fig tree now is putting forth its leaves.
Up, gather in! who slothful is in harvest,
No crown of righteousness from God receives.

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