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O, let us exalt our dear Lord and proclaim,
In songs of true gratitude, praise to His name!
As songs of the angels in sweetest accord,
Our thanks and our praises shall rise to the Lord.
-- Zion's Harp # 165

Hymn Information

The Faithful Shepherd, Jesus Christ

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The Lord, He is my shepherd true,
Who leadeth me securely
On pleasant pastures to and fro
With joys and blessings surely.
He leads me to the fount of life
My soul to comfort and revive.

His Word is bread unto my soul,
My inner man restoring.
Upon life's pilgrim journey here
My heart to Him goes soaring.
He safely leads me with His hand
Through pilgrim's dale to heaven's land.

A mighty fortress is His name,
Where succor never faileth.
In daily conflict here on earth
Where Satan's might assaileth,
I trust in my dear Shepherd's might
And to this stronghold take my flight.

Not merely 'gainst our flesh and blood
This conflict is enacted;
'Gainst Satan's whole infernal brood
Our battle is directed.
Yet I feel neither fear nor fright,
For Jesus is my strength and might.

His staff is ever my support
On pathways lone and dreary;
My consolation is His Word;
And, lest I might grow weary,
A table is prepared for me
In presence of mine enemy.

Lo, He anoints my head with oil
And heals my wounded spirit;
He stays my soul, and after toil
He never fails to cheer it.
He makes my cup to overflow
That I, refreshed, may onward go.

This Shepherd ne'er forsakes His fold
In joy nor yet in sorrow,
But shares to us His love untold
Each day and each tomorrow.
Then let us follow to the end
And with Him enter heaven's land.

Then haste, this faithful Shepherd claim
Whose care is ever present,
Who calls His faithful ones by name
To pastures green and pleasant.
He finds them all where'er they roam;
He leads the way and brings them home!

Uploaded on September 29th, 2024 at 4:14pm and has 9 views!


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